10,000 Tubes of Toothpaste Thanks to Ricki Lake and Henry Schein Foundation

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photo268Have you ever wondered what 10,000 tubes of toothpaste look like? Me neither, but now we know! Thanks to the Ricki Lake Show and Henry Schein Foundation, 5,000 toothbrushes and 10,000 tubes of toothpaste were donated to InvisiblePeople.tv. Like being featured on episode 3 the first week Ricki Lake’s new show returns wasn’t enough, they surprised me with very gorgeous donations to help our homeless friends.

Poverty and homelessness is far too big any one organization to fight alone. I strongly believe all nonprofits should network and help each other.  It’s in InvisiblePeople.tv’s core values share the love, which is exactly what we did this week. Ascencia, The Midnight Mission, and LA Family Housing all received a generous portion of this  gift of dental hygiene products.
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Henry Schein‘s shipment arrived a day early so I didn’t have any camera gear with me. I was just going to deliver the boxes of toothpaste and that’s it. But when Terry, an employee at LA Family Housing, started talking about how the homeless families were asking for toothpaste and there was none, I just had to record a little video from my phone.  It may not be the best quality video production, yet I felt it was important that the wonderful people in Ricki Lake’s team and Henry Schein Foundation hear firsthand about how their generous gift was so timely and badly-needed.

I strongly believe we can change the world tomorrow with what we buy today. As a consumer you have power in your purchasing decisions. Support the brands that actually care about your community. Please join me in saying thanks to Ricki Lake, The Ricki Lake Show, and Henry Schein Foundation

Photo: Stephanie Piche

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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