You Can Change Lives On Hollywood Blvd

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For those who have heard me speak or have been following me you already know how much I love Common Ground. Just before the Holidays I had the honor of interviewing Beth Sandor and Becky Kanis, which may have been my favorite interview so far [you can watch here]. Common Ground has made a huge difference in New York City, and they have an aggressive 100,000 Homes Campaign that will be launched this summer.

In preparation, Common Ground has already started to survey communities such as Charlotte, Denver, Phoenix and Detroit. This coming week Common Ground will be surveying Hollywood.

Lives Can Change

Most people think I am whacked for loving Hollywood Blvd so much. I will admit it is an acquired taste. I’ve tried to move, but for some reason I always come back to the Blvd.  For most of the last 26 years I have lived near Hollywood Blvd, and in 1995 I literally lived on Hollywood Blvd – homeless and hopeless. I am proof that even the worst street person can change for the better.

Of course, many of you have heard about homeless counts before. About once a year communities ask for volunteers to count homeless people in a geographic region, mainly to get funding. Common Ground’s survey is so much more than a count. The main purpose is to use tools like the vulnerability index to find the people who need help the most and get them housed. That’s right – housing!  Unlike the homeless counts you’ve heard of before, and (most) Homeless Connect Days, Common Ground partners with the local community to get these people the help they need!


Hollywood Homeless Registry Week is April 25 – 30, 2010

  • Sunday, April 25th – 2 to 5 p.m. at Hollywood Fountain South (6501 Fountain Ave.): Training on motivational interviewing and Vulnerability Index tool from Common Ground’s 100,000 Homes Campaign Leadership Team
  • Monday – Wednesday, April 26 – 28th – 3:30 a.m. to 6 a.m.: Debrief at Hollywood Fountain South (6501 Fountain Ave.) and field interviews
  • Friday, April 30th – 2 to 3pm: Community briefing and presentation of survey results. Location TBD.

Sign up form here

For more information download the PDF here

Ok, I hear ya! 3am is crazy early for people anywhere and especially those of us in La La Land. But we are talking about saving lives! Common Ground has a proven track record of success so your time will not be wasted.  This is a real opportunity for you to make a real difference in our community. If you cannot find the time please do me a favor and share this post with everyone you know.

This Is Only The Beginning.

Common Ground is just starting in Los Angeles and will be moving to a new office next month. Its exciting to envision the impact they will have on our homeless crisis.  They could use a few office items. If you can help please contact Beth Sandor via  BSandor [at] commonground [dot] org

Common Ground Office Wish List
file cabinets2
desk chairs4
Reception area chairs2
Reception area table1
Coffee maker1
Bookcases2 to 4

This morning I was honored to join Kerry from Hollywood Entertainment District for coffee. They are the primary stakeholders in making this survey happen. Being honest, for the first time in many years I felt encouraged that there will soon be a real solution to help my homeless friends on Hollywood Blvd.  Please do whatever you can to support Common Ground and the Hollywood community in making a real difference! I am proof that lives can be changed on Hollywood Blvd.

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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