Interview with Safe Place – Heroes in Fighting Youth Homelessness

interview with safe place heroes

If you have been following me on twitter it’s no secret that I love Safe Place. Last year before I took off on the road trip they contacted me and offered to help. The first place they connected me to was Nevada Partnership of Homeless Youth. Here is a link to one of our very first live interviews. I was literally floored when I heard about “families downsizing”.

safeplaceMaybe you’ve seen a Safe Place sign in your neighborhood. I know whenever I see one I smile. It’s really a very cool and simple idea. When teens have a problem often they don’t have anyplace to go. When a kid sees this sign they know that it is a “safe place” for them and they will be connected to real help. Gosh, I wonder how much that would have changed me when I was raising hell as a teenager?

This summer I will be visiting several Safe Place organizations around the country. Youth homelessness is a very serious crisis that gets very little publicity. My hope is that my visits will not only support the local organizations but bring some light to youth homelessness on a national and international level.

This morning I had the honor of interviewing Chrissy Marzano who works at the national office.

I love this short Safe Place PSA

PSA Safe Place’s text for help program

Please support Safe Place at both the national and local levels. I am excited to be visiting a few this summer including the national office. You can follow Safe Place on twitter here

Very special thanks to David Lee for the Wetoku hookup

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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