Street Treats: The Other SXSW Homeless Campaign in Downtown Austin

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A little over three years ago Alan Graham “talked” me into visiting Austin, Texas because he knew what he was doing to help our homeless friends was so awesome I’d become an evangelist for his work. He was right, and every since that visit, I have been telling everyone about his catering trucks and how he rapid houses homeless people in RVs.

Well Alan is at it again, this time trying to create ways for our homeless friends to generate income. Unfortunately, Mobile Loaves and Fishes new Street Treats program was drowned out by the madness that surrounded Homeless Hotspots because it’s even cooler (ice cream pun intended).

Basically, Alan empowers a homeless person to make some money, with the intent to save up and restore housing, by selling ice cream around downtown Austin.

I think it’s a brilliant idea and I hope other communities will come up with unique ways to employ our homeless friends in our down economy.

Please follow @StreetTreatsATX so the next time you’re in Austin you can find a Street Treat vendor and get some ice cream while supporting a great cause.

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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