A Miracle Night in Calgary

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I’ll be honest, today was one of those days where I wanted to just quit this madness and go back to a nice cushy marketing job. As a nonprofit, InvisiblePeople.tv isn’t where I want it to be, or I thought it would be, and I’m tired. Please know I am so very grateful for all that life has given me and that I made it through maybe the worst crisis of my life by helping others. But not having enough income to focus completely on InvisiblePeople.tv is frustrating. Mainly because so many great opportunities are missed. I also hate where I live and dream of the day I can afford to move, or have enough money to go on a fishing trip, or can take time off and not worry about rent, or be able to ask a nice woman out on a date that’s more than a fast food dollar menu. Honest, a few times today I thought about throwing in the towel and getting a ‘normal’ life!

Then I saw this tweet from my friend Tim Richter:


WOW! And I thought The Farm was huge! This knocked the “poor selfish me” feelings right out of me. Now, you all know I wasn’t gonna quit, and you all have “poor me” days too so don’t judge. It’s just this is a miracle beyond miracles and it all really started the same night I met Donny, who is now in housing – another miracle! Stories like these are the fuel that drives me to keep going.

So here’s the miracle: Terry is a sweet man dying of cancer I met while visiting a homeless shelter in Calgary, Canada. I was really moved by Terry and put his video up that very night. The local news media was with me when I visited Terry and The Calgary Herald put his story on their front page. They even included my video in their online version.

Terry’s brother, Larry, who he had no contact with for 34 years, saw the news story and the two brothers were reunited. Please read and watch the powerful video of the day they shared here.

I really don’t have words to describe any of this. Never in a million years did I ever think miracles like this would happen from a website that empowers homeless people to tell their own stories. And like I said in the post before this, I wish I could take credit for it, but it’s all really a community of loving people that make any of this happen.

So as I end my day I am still crazy exhausted, but instead of feeling sorry for myself, I am grateful that God continues to use me. This story of Terry reuniting long-lost brother has wrecked me both good and bad, and I am so very grateful for all of you that have supported me and InvisiblePeople.tv the last few years. It’s really because of your support that miracles continue to happen.

Photo by: Colleen De Neve

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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Invisible People is the only nonprofit newsroom dedicated exclusively to the issue of homelessness and related topics. We bring you daily original news on the growing homeless crisis, affordable housing, and the criminalization of homelessness. Join us to explore solutions and stay informed on this urgent issue with our unique coverage.

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