Author Archives: Cynthia Griffith

Cynthia Griffith

Cynthia Griffith


Cynthia Griffith is a freelance writer dedicated to social justice and environmental issues.

homelessness at an all time high in US

American Homelessness Just Hit a Historic High

hunger and impending homelessness

Homelessness and Hunger: The Connection Isn’t What You Think

corporate developers are hiring private security to criminalize homeless people

Behind the Shadows: Corporate Real Estate’s Covert War on America’s Homeless

homeless Shelters closed and bankrupt

The Cicero Institute’s Proposed Milwaukee Legislation Could Send Homeless Shelters into Bankruptcy

NYC transportation fee and poverty

Proposed NYC Transportation Fee Could Drive More People into Homelessness

Concentration camp - Assembly Bill 689 and Senate Bill 669

Assembly Bill 689 and Senate Bill 669 Will Force Homeless Americans into Concentration Camps

breast cancer screening poverty

Housing is Healthcare: The Critical Link Between Housing and Breast Cancer Survival

homelessness and veterans

Home Ownership Soars Amongst US Veterans, But So Does Homelessness

UK Refugees

The Plight of Refugees Facing Homelessness in the UK Reaches Crisis Levels

eviction and children

How Eviction Threatens the Future of Our Children

Storms and flooding threaten limited supply of affordable housing

Pending Storms Threaten the Already Short Supply of Affordable Housing

anti-homeless legislation and the criminalization of homelessness

A Look at Anti-Homeless Legislation Awaiting Action

hostile architecture, homeless people

How Much Money Do We Spend Making Homeless People Uncomfortable?

Homeless Man killed

Another Homeless Man Killed with the Cameras Rolling

wrongful eviction

Pathways Into Homelessness: Wrongful Eviction Accusation

Homeless Persons' Memorial Day

National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day Brings Visibility to Otherwise Invisible People

housing crisis and drug problem

America Has a Drug Problem. It Also Has a Housing Crisis.

Criminalization and Death by Sweeps

Death by Sweep: How Anti-Homeless Legislation Kills