Author Archives: Kayla Robbins

Kayla Robbins

Kayla Robbins


Kayla Robbins is a freelance writer who works with big-hearted brands and businesses. When she's not working, she enjoys knitting socks, rolling d20s, and binging episodes of The Great British Bake Off.

how the myth of self-sufficiency perpetuates homelessness

How the Myth of Self-Sufficiency Perpetuates Homelessness

Walkable cities vs unwalkable cities and the impact on homelessness

Unwalkable Cities Are a Homelessness Issue

Charity and volunteering

This Holiday Season, Rethink Your Charity

Housing in Houston

Houston’s Focus on Housing Is Working

Why are you homeless

‘Why Are You Homeless?’ Is The Wrong Question

Policy changes to end homelessness

Six Policy Changes to End Homelessness

What Does it Cost to Stop Homelessness

What Does It Cost to Stop Homelessness? Maybe As Little As $5,000

Eviction Notice, housing

Could You Find Alternate Housing In 10 Days?

disabled and homeless

The Vicious Cycle of Disability and Homelessness

Domestic Violence

How Domestic Violence Fuels Homelessness for Women

house homeless people and solve homelessness

House Homeless People and You’ll Stop Seeing Them

The reason homeless people sleep on the streets rather than a shelter is not because they are service resistant

The Myth That Homeless People Are Service Resistant

Ignoring Homelessness

Ignoring Homelessness Makes You Even More Vulnerable to It


Corporations Don’t Need Housing, People Do

Evictions, Rent Control and Tenants Rights

Does Rent Control Incentivize Evictions?

disabled homeless man walking to Sacramento

Disabled Homeless Man Walks to Raise Money for Wife’s Cancer Treatment

Low-Cost rentals in California

Low-Cost Rentals Are Disappearing

Inside Safe helping homeless people living on the streets

Checking In With LA’s Inside Safe Program for Homeless People