Author Archives: Micah Bertoli

Micah Bertoli

Micah Bertoli


Micah Bertoli is a Medical Laboratory Technologist and freelance writer. He is passionate about volunteer work, spending much time helping displaced people settle into their new environments.


Nextdoor’s Digital ‘Block Watch’ Proving to Be Problematic

homeless people

How Highly Educated People End Up on the Streets


How Sports Impact Homeless People

Affordable Housing

Local Opposition Stops Affordable Housing in its Tracks


How Loss Leads to Homelessness

big Tech

Big Tech Plays Both Friend and Foe to Affordable Housing

raising children

Raising Children in Shelters Is a Painful Reality for Many

violence against homeless people

Do Homeless People Need Protection from Us?

street medicine

Street Medicine Brings Healthcare to Homeless People

sleep deprivation

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Homeless People

Sexual Violence

Homeless People at Greater Risk of Suffering Sexual Violence

streets over Shelter

Why Homeless People Choose the Street Over Shelters

sense of community

A Sense of Community Helps Those Experiencing Homelessness

Pet Ownership among Homeless People

Analyzing the Benefits of Pet Ownership Among Homeless People

homeless Veterans

Ending Veteran Homelessness Means Investing in More Programs


Hollywood’s Portrayal of Homelessness: For Better and For Worse

Canadian Indigenous

Canada’s Indigenous People Are at Greater Risk of Experiencing Homelessness

Safe Injection facilities

The More You Know: Facts About Supervised Injection Facilities