Affordable housing

high rent, high homelessness

High Rent Equals High Homelessness – It’s That Simple

Storms and flooding threaten limited supply of affordable housing

Pending Storms Threaten the Already Short Supply of Affordable Housing

Seniors at risk of homelessness

Soaring Home Prices Lead to Increased Risk of Homelessness

housing crisis and drug problem

America Has a Drug Problem. It Also Has a Housing Crisis.


Voters Split Over Initiatives to Reduce Homelessness 

Urban Homelessness

Urban Homelessness Is Rising Right Alongside Suburban Homelessness

Homelessness, high cost of living

Study Finds Homelessness Is Caused by High Cost of Living, Not Substance Abuse

LA Housing Crisis

Why LA’s Housing Crisis Isn’t Unique and What We Can Do to Fix It

Church and affordable housing

Churches to Develop Affordable Housing as Housing Crisis Persists

Unaffordable housing

Affordably Built Housing Turned into Unaffordable Apartment Complexes

United States Senate passes Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act

Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 2023 Passes Senate After 10 Year Lapse


Corporations Don’t Need Housing, People Do

Housing is a Human Right

U.S. Fails to Meet International Human Right to Housing Standards

United Nations pushes back on criminalization of homelessness in the US

Criminalization of Homelessness Is a ‘Rampant’ Problem, Advocates Tell U.N.

Colorado Affordable Housing and the theory of trickle-down housing

Colorado Needs a New Model for Funding Deeply Affordable Housing Projects

Skid Row

Could More Affordable Housing Be Coming to Skid Row?

Impact of climate change and extreme heat on homelessness

How Does Extreme Heat Impact Homelessness?

Low-Cost rentals in California

Low-Cost Rentals Are Disappearing