

Here’s Everything That Was Illegal About the Eviction Letter I Received

Congress passes American Rescue Plan

Congress Passes American Rescue Plan. Here’s How it Prevents Homelessness

COVID response

Our Response to COVID Put Millions at Risk of Homelessness

vaccinating homeless people

Healthcare Providers Face Challenges In Vaccinating Homeless People

Eviction Notice

10,700 COVID-Related Deaths Are the Direct Result of Illegal Evictions

Porta Potty where homeless man froze to death

Montreal Homeless Man Freezes to Death Trying to Seek Shelter from Cold

great depression

The New Economic Nosedive is Different from the Great Depression – In a Bad Way


New Study Lays Out a Grim Outlook For Future of Homelessness in LA

Covid-19 Vaccination

Homeless People Begin Receiving COVID-19 Vaccinations in Canada

rent relief

Emergency Rental Relief Is on the Way. Here’s What it Means.

Greed Landlord Real Estate

No Bailouts for Big Real Estate: Trickle-Down Theories Exacerbate Homelessness

Making House Calls to Homeless People in Venice Beach

Making House Calls to Homeless People in Venice Beach

illegal evictions

245,999 Evictions Have Been Filed During the Pandemic, Despite the Moratorium

temporary shelter in Denver

Homeless Residents Say Temporary Denver Camp Allows Chance to Heal

Eviction Notice

I Was Almost Evicted in the Middle of the Pandemic

Eviction Notice

The Largest Real Estate Company in the US Illegally Attempts to Evict a Cancer Patient and an Infant Despite Moratorium

homeless in UK

United Kingdom: 70,000 Households Made Homeless During Pandemic


Breaking: FEMA Changes Policies to Accommodate Homeless People Staying in Hotels