
eviction and children

How Eviction Threatens the Future of Our Children

wrongful eviction

Pathways Into Homelessness: Wrongful Eviction Accusation

Republicans take aim at Eviction Protections

Republicans Take Aim at Eviction Protections

Legal Aid reform

Series Illustrates Need for Legal Aid Reforms to Prevent Homelessness

Tenant protections must increase as Evictions climb

Advocates Call on Biden Administration to Increase Tenant Protections as Evictions Climb

Eviction Notice, housing

Could You Find Alternate Housing In 10 Days?

What to do if you face eviction

Facing Eviction? Take These Actions to Prevent Homelessness

tenant relocation

‘Tenant Relocation’ Becomes a Big Business in LA as Protections for Renters Go Unenforced

Evictions, Rent Control and Tenants Rights

Does Rent Control Incentivize Evictions?

President Biden and eviction moratorium

Will President Biden Bring Back Eviction Moratoriums?

Rural Evictions and rural homelessness

Rural Evictions Have Dramatically Increased, and So Has Rural Homelessness

A Homeless Man's Struggle for Survival in San Diego


Angel Davis Rally in Philadelphia - Housing as Human Right - evictions are violent

Philadelphia Woman Shot During Eviction by For-Profit Eviction Officer

Evictions Are Violence, eviction

Portland Gears Up to Vote on Eviction Representation for All


Evictions Are Violent: Interview with Tenants’ Rights Attorney Leah Goodridge

Could rent control help solve homelessness?

Is Nationwide Rent Control the Solution to Rent-Gouging?

experiencing sudden homelessness

Sudden Homelessness is Years in the Making

Emergency Rental Assistance funding expansion

U.S. Treasury Announces Expansion of Emergency Rental Assistance Program