Lived Experience

Harm reduction saves lives

Harm Reduction Facilities Save Lives

Longing for pet companionship

The Heartbreaking Quest for Pet Companionship in a World of Housing Insecurity

criminalizing homelessness

Criminalizing Homelessness Only Makes Homelessness Worse

Skid row

Life on Skid Row Series Shows the Reality of Homelessness

holidays alone, homelessness

From Joyful Holiday Memories to the Reality of Homelessness – One Person’s Journey

connecting people to homeless services

The Challenge of Connecting Homeless People with Homeless Services

homelessness and happiness don't mix

Happiness and Homelessness Don’t Mix

NYC eerily quiet during COVID

Homelessness Is Increasing Two Years After Covid

Homelessness and the Unstable Path to Retirement

Shifting Sands: Homelessness and the Unstable Path to Retirement

Homelessness is instability

Homelessness Means Instability

solving Homelessness

Solving Homelessness Benefits Everyone

homeless nightmare

There Is No Escape from this Homeless Nightmare

We can solve homelessness

We Can Solve Homelessness. We Just Have to Choose To

memories in storage

Memories of My Housed Life Stolen by Vandals

journalists must give homeless people a voice

To Solve Homelessness, We Need More Journalism That Gives Homeless People a Voice

Selena shares experience with homelessness and substance abuse recovery

Young Mother Shares Her Experience with Youth Homelessness

homelessness needs proper representation too

We Need Representatives to Focus on Homelessness in Politics and Popular Media

poverty is lucrative for wealthy people

Poverty Makes Wealthy People More Rich