
homeless Shelters closed and bankrupt

The Cicero Institute’s Proposed Milwaukee Legislation Could Send Homeless Shelters into Bankruptcy

Denver homelessness and immigration

Denver Homeless Housing Efforts Challenged by Migrant Crisis

los angeles audit on homelessness

Los Angeles Has 3x More Homeless Than Shelter Beds, Audit Finds

Advocates Right to Shelter

Advocates Push Back as NY Mayor Adams Attempts to Gut the State’s Right to Shelter 

The reason homeless people sleep on the streets rather than a shelter is not because they are service resistant

The Myth That Homeless People Are Service Resistant

United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit. Martin v. boise

Martin v. Boise Survives a Legal Challenge and Upsets Conservatives 

Biden Administration

Biden Administration Launches Initiative to End Unsheltered Homelessness

Right to Rest Bill fails for homeless camps in Oregon

Oregon’s ‘Right to Rest Bill’ Dies After Significant Pushback

Bussing homeless people out of San Francisco

San Francisco May Bus Homeless People Out of Town Instead of Providing Shelter

homelessness in airports

Homelessness Increases at Airports as Shelter Space Remains Inadequate

pregnant woman evicted into homelessness

Nonprofit Evicts Pregnant Homeless Woman, So She Sues

Homeless camps in Denver

Denver Nonprofits Call on City to Stop Sweeping Encampments During Freezing Weather

temporary shelters for homeless people

Pallet Shelters Offer Temporary Solutions to Homelessness with Permanent Environmental Implications

NYC Homeless Men

NYC Shelter Turns 60 Homeless Men Away: We Must Stop Underfunding Homeless Services

homeless shelters in toronto

Toronto Shelter System Turning More People Away than Ever Before

Ottawa protests

Ottawa Convoy Protests Interrupt Homeless Support Services

rules at shelters

A Shelter For The Night? Or Just Jail-Lite?

shelters are not for everyone

Shelters Aren’t Right For Everyone