California Homeless Services Need Help Operating During Coronavirus

Homeless Services Needing Help to Operate During Coronavirus

Everyone is struggling right now, but our homeless neighbors are getting hit the hardest. As states and cities initiate shelter at home orders, homeless people are losing support for basic needs. Small nonprofits are strapped for money as donations have stopped while their volunteer workforce is staying home.

Usually, homeless people have lots of food. It’s a myth that they go hungry. However, with shelter at home being enforced in New York and California, everything has changed. Charities are not feeding. There is no foot traffic to panhandle or get food. Closed restaurants can’t give leftovers. Homeless people are going hungry!

Here is a list of nonprofits and community action groups that are still doing what they can to help our homeless neighbors. This is by no means an exhaustive list. We are just highlighting a few organizations that we know need support. We will try to update this list as we can.


Covenant House provides services and shelter, along with housing to homeless youth in many cities throughout the United States. Click here to donate. 

Los Angeles

Ktown for All is a volunteer-led community action group. Invisible People highlighted Ktown for All in our most recent mini-documentary that you can watch here. Ktown for All is currently working to provide grocery gift cards to their unhoused neighbors. Click here to donate.

Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN) fights for Human Rights for the unhoused residents of Skid Row. Since politicians delayed getting handwashing stations distributed throughout the city, LA CAN started making their own. Click here to donate.

The Center in Hollywood remains open providing outreach and placing people in hotels and shelters. Click here to donate.

resisterhoodLA has been packing up vital hygiene supplies and getting them out to coalitions like KtownforAll, SELAH, and NoHo Home Alliance. Support their hygiene kit drives to keep people healthier on the streets. Click here to donate.

Safe Place for Youth has enacted an emergency response protocol. For the safety of staff, volunteers, and youth members, they have reduced services, but are still operating badly-needed emergency services. Click here to donate and for more information.

NoHo Home is a neighborhood-based coalition in North Hollywood that offers meals, showers, bathrooms, and service providers to unhoused neighbors. They’re working overtime (for free), especially with so many public spaces closed and very few government programs running. Click here to donate.

Ground Game’s Covid-19 Mutual Aid Network. Ground Game is on the ground, ensuring critical needs get met. They have put together a citywide volunteer network of support for people in need ranging from grocery delivery to mental health. Click here to donate.

Legal Aid Foundation (LAFLA) provides free legal support for the most vulnerable Angelenos, including eviction defense and preventing displacement. They help ensure unhoused Angelenos get basic human rights. Click here to donate.

Homeless Health Care (HHCLA) works to provide both mental and physical healthcare to people experiencing homelessness, in addition to offering case management and pathways to housing. Click here to donate.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) has a map of handwashing station locations accessible here and street addresses found here. Download a PDF of park and recreation centers emergency shelters here.

SKID ROW MISSIONS are in desperate need. Several of the missions house over a thousand homeless people every night in not the best of conditions. If these missions close, it will create even more of a health crisis. There are too many to list all of their donation links. All of them need help.

Here is a great list of Covid19 Los Angeles Community Resources for everyone.

Special thanks to Lex Roman for sending her community list.

San Francisco

Coalition on Homelessness has been sharing an urgent request for tents.

Project Homeless Connect created this list of available services in San Francisco.

Santa Clara County

Bill Wilson Center provides services to more than 4,100 children, youth, young adults and families in Santa Clara County through various programs. Additionally, the organization reaches more than 30,000 clients through street outreach and crisis line programs. Click here to donate.

WeHOPE’s mission is to help people become healthy, employed and housed using innovative solutions. Click here to donate.

HomeFirst™ is a leading provider of services, shelter and housing opportunities for homeless people and those at risk of homelessness in Santa Clara County. Click here to donate and for more information on their crisis response.


Derrick So provided the following links of homeless services still operating in Oakland

East Oakland Collective is serving their unhoused brothers/sisters and other vulnerable populations across Oakland (seniors, disabled, people with pre-existing health conditions). Click here to donate.

West Oakland Punks with Lunch is a guerilla not-for-profit harm reduction outreach organization providing food and other necessities to people experiencing homelessness. Click here to donate. 

East Oakland Burrito Roll’s mission is to take direct action and feed unsheltered community members. Click here to donate.

#WheredowegoBerk – COVID-19 Crisis is raising money for tents and other winter supplies for the Seabreeze and the I-80 University Underpass homeless encampments.  Click here to donate.

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We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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