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Brian says life on Skid Row is no different than any other life. On Skid Row good things happen and bad things happen! Brian has lived on Skid Row since 1999. He won a bet that he could stay in a tent for a month and never left. Brian says he doesn’t regret one moment of it!

Brian survives by fixing bikes for people. In the time I was on the corner visiting with Brian all different types of people stopped by for bike repair.

Brian’s only wish is that all the homeless people in Skid Row would have somewhere to lay their head. I sure hope that happens soon!

Special thanks to Skid Robot for introducing me to Brian on Skid Row and Paul from Pauly’s Project. The art you see behind Brian is a collaboration between the Embellisher and Skid Robot.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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