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Arien is homeless on the streets of Hollywood. She says homelessness is rough. That a lot of people look down on her. That guys proposition her with money to go home with them. She’s had soda thrown on her while sleeping.

Although graphic, Arien shares the realities of what women have to endure while living on the streets. People yell at her to “sell her pussy” until she can get a job because to them that’s better than sleeping on the ground.

Arien says she’s lucky to wake up without being robbed overnight. Her phone gets getting stolen. Along with not being able to shower, Arien says not having a regular phone makes it hard to find a job. To make matters worse, she says the shelters are even worse than the streets.

It’s amazing that this young woman can still smile!

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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