Bam Bam

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WARNING: This post contains adult language and disturbing content! It’s disturbing that anyone has to live on the streets. It’s heartbreaking the amount of childhood trauma and abuse that people go through. The lack of mental health support is this country offensive!

Bam Bam is a transgender woman homeless on the streets of Sacramento. She is sleeping in the doorway of a church. My heart breaks for her. The years of abuse show in her eyes. Bam Bam was molested by several members of her family. She shares about her mom separating from her father and throwing a mattress in the back of a station wagon for seven people to live.

The pain and suffering Bam Bam experienced in life no one should have to go through. Sadly, the suffering continues on the streets of Sacramento.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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