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On a recent trip to Nickelsville, an infamous tent community in Seattle, I could not help but notice Bonnie. She stood out from everyone like she could be anyone’s mom.

It was kind of a rush situation and I wasn’t really going to ask her, but she walked by and I quickly fired up the camera.

What is not stated in this video is I was told Bonnie has Alzheimer’s disease, and that she often forgets what tent she is in.

We have a “silver tsunami” coming. The boomers are now at the retirement age but lost savings in the bad economy. The older generation is going to hit social services so hard it very well may crash a system that is already overworked and underfunded.

Our older generation, like Bonnie, should have the housing and supportive services they require and deserve.

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We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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