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Charles is 22 and living on the streets of Denver. Charles says homelessness is hard and homeless youth do the best they can, but he continues that the community often works against them.

When I first walked up on Charles he was writing out his sign to panhandle. Being a marketer by trade I was curious and asked him what works. Charles responded “the truth”, which is a brilliant lesson for all of us.

Charles has been homeless since 16 years-old. He was in foster care and says he was in well over 25 placements before he decided to run away.

As I travel focusing on homeless youth, I keep hearing horrible stories of foster care being repeated. Our broken foster care system plays a huge role in both youth and adult homelessness.

This Invisible People road trip is made possible by  Sevenly and Virgin Mobile USA, who are partnering to end youth homelessness through Virgin Mobile USA’s initiative, RE*Generation. For more information please click here.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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