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“It’s lonely.” That’s what Chris has to say about homelessness in Hollywood, one of the busiest, most populated places in the country.

He tends to see the bright side of things, too. He just received some food and a lead on a possible job opportunity, which is his way out of homelessness. After five and a half years of homelessness, with a background in military service and part of a college education under his belt, he still can’t find work to afford his first place of his own.

If Chris had three wishes, he’d want his life back. If he had that, he wouldn’t even need the other two. Maybe, just maybe, he would go back to not buy some lottery tickets. Then he could use that money for something useful instead of the empty chance of winning a fortune.

“You have to live life to learn.” That’s what Chris said to end our interview. But there have to be ways we can make life’s lessons a little less painful for people like him.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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