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One might say Daniel has found purpose. He spends his days filling up a shopping cart with “items” he thinks may sound good. When his musical percussion kit is ready, he finds a spot near the Union Square area of San Francisco to setup and entertain himself and anyone who just happens to be walking by.

Daniel is a convicted felon, and because of his past and going to prison, he cannot get a job or collect public assistance. 60 percent of prisons and jails are filled with non-violent drug offenders. When they are released back into society it’s almost impossible to find employment and they are not even allowed food stamps. Without any normal means to survive many go back to committing crimes.

Daniel has found a simple way to keep busy and to make a few bucks. He has 10 years off heroin and also kicked cocaine, but because of his felonies, his only choice was to adapt to homelessness.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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