David, Tish and Natasha

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Having been homeless myself (and facing the possibility again today), I still cannot fathom the challenges of raising a family in a shelter. Yet, families are the fastest growing homeless population.

One of the most heartbreaking memories from my trip to the Prado Day Center was meeting David, Tish, and their 15-month old baby Natasha. All morning I watched David carry his daughter around the day shelter; I don’t believe I saw her feet touch the ground once.

See, David doesn’t just love his daughter, he is fiercely protective of her. He told me, “We don’t have any place like home to go to, so we make the best of what we have and the services that are offered here.”

David worked as a cook for 20 years but cannot find work. Their goal is to become a financially independent family and to have a place of their own. They try their best to stay positive about their situation and their future. Tish says, “We’re homeless; we are not less human.” They both want society to know homelessness is not a disease.

Truth is, most of us are only one paycheck away from being in their situation. There is someone you know that has lost their job and is living in crisis. You may not be able to pay their mortgage, but you can help them forget their crisis at least long enough for a dinner and a movie. Please- after watching this short video- take real, tangible action to help someone in need.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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