Heather and Mark

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Heather has cancer. When she found out she started to use drugs and quickly became addicted to crack cocaine. Soon afterward she lost her children and the apartment they were living in.  Heather currently is in a rehab program and has some sobriety, but it is really hard to stay sober while experiencing homelessness.

Mark is 39 and has lived on the streets off and on since he was 10 years old. He is disabled and can’t work. While we were talking I could see he was shaking from the cold. No one should be living outside, especially in cold weather.

Together they panhandle to get a hotel room each night. But not for them. Heather will do whatever it takes to get her dog “Lucky” inside.

Heather shares about criminalization, which is growing in U.S. and Canada. She explains how they get tickets for being homelessness and do not have the money to pay the fines.

Ironically a few years ago I met Billy just a few blocks away who shared a similar story.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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