Homeless Man Takes Unpaid leave to Save Belongings from Sweep

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Seco has a full-time job working with homeless people as a housing manager for a nonprofit organization, and Seco lives in a tent, homeless in North Hollywood. Last week, Seco had to take unpaid time off from work to move all of his belongings, so they would not be thrown away in a homeless sweep.

Seco (not his real name) asked that we keep his intensity hidden. His employer knows he is homeless. They even know the reason why Seco had to take the day off from work. But Seco wanted to get approval before speaking publicly, so we agreed to not show his face and mask his voice.

One of the fastest-growing homeless populations is people who work full-time jobs but cannot afford rent. Seco is trying to save up money to get out of homelessness but having to take an unpaid day off from work to save his tent and what he owns makes everything harder.

Homeless sweeps are a waste of money, costing Los Angeles taxpayers $70 million a year, that could be better spent on providing real solutions for homelessness, such as housing and support services. The growing number of homeless people in Los Angeles highlights the need for a more compassionate and effective approach. Pushing homeless individuals from one area to another does nothing to address the root causes of homelessness and makes it harder for outreach workers to connect them with the help they need.

If you live in Los Angeles, here is a link for the City Council contact information broken down by district. Please reach out to your legislators to demand they stop the sweeps.

Nationally, please support Housing Not Handcuffs

We all must advocate for more housing and support services and stop homeless sweeps at the local level. At the same time, we must continue to pressure state and federal legislators. Your voice can help end homelessness. If we do not fix the affordable housing crisis, homelessness will worsen.

Click here to tweet, email, call, or Facebook your federal and state legislators to tell them ending homelessness and creating more affordable housing is a priority to you.

More on Homeless Sweeps in Los Angeles:

WATCH the Horrible Reality of LA’s Homeless Sweeps

10 Minute Warning LA Homeless’ Belongings Taken During Sweeps

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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