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I am pissed! I am so mad right now! I just hate ignorance! More on that in a moment.

I met Lars in San Diego a few months ago. Lars was laid off from his job of 5 years, and when unemployment extensions ran out, he had no choice but to live in his car.

Lars was lucky that he found Dreams for Change, a nonprofit that helps support people living in their vehicles. I wrote about the program here: People Living in Vehicles Need a Safe Place to Park, Not Fines or Jail

While traveling this last month I saw that Vista, California was trying to shut down one of Dreams for Change parking lot programs at a local church. I did happen to visit that church, but all the stories, except for the interview with Teresa Smith, CEO of Dreams for Change, were recorded at another church parking lot outside of Vista.

Why I am so mad is I just learned that they did have to shut down the program at the church in Vista. This article says neighbors started yelling obscenities at the homeless and volunteers and made angry phone calls to the church, which made the situation unsafe.

I just wrote and then backspaced a bunch of obscenities myself.  Ignorance along with lack of any compassion or common sense makes me insanely mad!

Neighbors of Cornerstone Church in Vista – YOU SUCK! Homelessness is getting worse, and the best way to fight homelessness is to support programs like Dreams for Change that are helping people get out of homelessness.

Special thanks to Homelessness News San Diego

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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