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Leon is a Vietnam veteran who has been homeless for six years. After serving “the greatest country in the world,” he is lost somewhere in the pile of Veteran’s Administration disability claims. While he waits for assistance from the VA, he is not receiving veterans benefits or assistance. He is on his own.

Leon is a strong believer in working hard to earn an income, but his medical conditions prevent him from working. Unfortunately, no insurer will take him on due to his rocky medical history; he has undergone a quintuple-bypass surgery and suffered from a gunshot wound.

But Leon doesn’t worry about himself; he worries about his brothers and sisters who face similar challenges after wearing the uniform. He said, “I’m speaking for the vets out there who are dying there because they’re not recognized for what they’ve done.”

I think I speak for all of us when I say, “We’re sorry, Leon. This is no way to thank you for your service and sacrifice. We will keep fighting to do better for you and all of your fellow veterans.”

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