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Lester lives in his car in Springfield, Missouri. He first experienced homelessness at five years old. I can’t even imagine what it must be for a child to be homeless at such a young age. Lester is the second person now that had told me they were first homeless at the age of five.

Lester’s mother died in her arms when he was 15 years old. Only days after his mother’s funeral, Lester’s dad wanted to move another woman into their house. When Lester spoke up, his father beat him, and Lester ran away.

Lester’s third time of experiencing homelessness was after he returned from Vietnam. He says when Vietnam Vets came home nobody wanted them. Overall Lester says he has been homeless around 25 years.

Lester receives $770 on Social Security Disability every month. After car payment and insurance, there is not enough money for rent. Lester is one of the many mobile homeless in America sleeping in their vehicles.

The good news is that Lester has been approved to go live at Eden Village, a new tiny homes community. I toured Eden Village and I hope to have a vlog up about it soon. It’s an amazing place.

Lester is excited but also cautious. For most homeless people, moving into housing starts a whole new battle of challenges. I have been off the streets for 23 years and I still struggle sometimes.

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Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness news, education and advocacy.

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