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Linda worked as a dental hygienist but started to lose her vision and lost her job a little over four years ago. She is now homeless and sleeps on the streets of Boston.

Linda had her wallet stolen and with it all of her ID. She just received her birth certificate and she is working on getting the documents needed to get into housing!

Linda does not like shelters. She will stay outside until it gets extremely cold. Last year Linda says she got frostbite because she waiting too long to go inside!

After each video, I ask everyone to smile for a photo that I post on Instagram. It’s my way of combating the wrong perceptions given by needs-based images used in most nonprofit fundraising. When I asked Linda to smile she said she can’t smile because she has no teeth. She went on to share that two men had wrapped duck tape around her arms and she lost her teeth trying to rip the tape off to escape.

We must do everything we can to get these precious people off the streets and into housing!

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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