Marek and Danuta

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Marek and Danuta are homeless in London. They are from Poland. Izabela was kind enough to translate for me while I was visiting No Second Night Out.

Marek lost his job this past July. They found a flat that was less money, paid the deposit and one month in advance, but the apartment offer was really a scam. Days after moving in they were forced out with no refund of their money. Marek and Danuta just grabbed their basic possessions and left.

Marek says their first day sleeping rough was terrible. They took mattresses they found on the street into a partly abandoned factory to create a place to sleep. During the day they would leave so as to not be discovered only to return at night when it was safer.

Danuta said her two wishes in her native language. She only wants a place to stay and a job.

Special thanks to Izabela and No Second Night Out

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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