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I met Martin at the Mustard Seed’s emergency shelter in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Martin has fifteen years of engineering experience, but because he suffers from depression, Martin found himself unemployed and homeless two years ago.

Things are looking up for Martin. The night I met him it was his first night working a temp job and you could tell he was gaining his self-worth back.

As Martin says, depression and mental illness can come on subtlety, but can destroy not only a person’s life, but his or her family, too. Often society looks the other way when someone is having “problems”. I am glad Martin found the help he needed. Many are not so lucky.

We must listen to the people around us for signs of depression and mental illness before they end up on the streets or worse.

Special thanks to Mustard Seed

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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