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Miguel says he was taken away from his mother at 8 years-old. Over the next few years Miguel was placed in over 10 foster homes. I can’t even begin to comprehend how that must affect a child’s development.

Miguel tried to return to his mother, but the living situation was volatile, so Miguel eventually ran away. He moved around some and tried to live with relatives. Miguel ended up back in New York, and his mother had him locked up in the juvenile correctional system.

Luckily, now as a homeless youth only 18 years-old, Miguel was able to connect with Covenant House, and he was able to go directly from jail to a support system and new family.

I really like Miguel, and I have always loved the work of Covenant House. The few hours I spent in New York City talking to Miguel and a few other young adults is a memory I’ll always cherish. No one can predict the future, but I have a feeling that even though Miguel didn’t have a good childhood, his future will be nothing short of amazing!

Special thanks to Hanes and Covenant House.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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