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Paul went through quadrupedal bypass open heart surgery at the Veterans Hospital. They then placed him in a nursing home, and when his time was up there, Paul was lucky enough to find a homeless shelter with respite care.

Paul was very lucky in many ways. Here in Los Angeles I only know of two facilities that offer respite care both totaling only 85 beds combined.

We have a ‘Silver Tsunami’ coming that is very serious. The ‘boomers’ are hitting the senior years and because of the economy savings and health care are nonexistent. In a few years, older Americans will be taxing the social services system and we need to be building more respite care facilities now.

Paul went through quadrupedal bypass open heart surgery at the Veterans Hospital.

Special thanks to Destination: Home

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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