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“it just gets into your bones. It wears you down. It’s a killer in the end” is how Steve describes sleeping rough.

I met Steve in Chippenham, a rural town situated in Wiltshire, England. You can just feel the sadness in Steve’s eyes.  He came to the area because his ex-wife and daughter have health challenges. The night before he slept outside near a bus station.

Good news is Steve is being helped by Lisa Lewis from Doorway and I know of no better advocate for helping people that are sleeping rough. Shortly after this interview, Steve grabbed a guitar and I sat behind a set of drums. Along with a few others, we played Rolling Stones songs in rural England, and for a moment, music was all that mattered!

Special thanks to Doorway.

Invisible People

Invisible People


We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Until then, we strive to be the most trusted source for homelessness.

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