{"id":12849,"date":"2019-08-21T09:00:54","date_gmt":"2019-08-21T13:00:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wordpress-537697-2997182.cloudwaysapps.com\/?p=12849"},"modified":"2023-11-06T14:39:49","modified_gmt":"2023-11-06T19:39:49","slug":"domestic-violence-in-canada-causing-rise-in-family-homelessness","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wordpress-537697-2997182.cloudwaysapps.com\/domestic-violence-in-canada-causing-rise-in-family-homelessness\/","title":{"rendered":"Domestic Violence in Canada Causing Rise in Family Homelessness"},"content":{"rendered":"

Domestic Violence Leading Cause of Homelessness for Canadian Women and Children<\/h2>\n

Researcher Jean Quinn referred to domestic violence as a global issue \u201cwidely ignored and poorly understood\u201d. Whenever the general public falls short of understanding, innocent people fall as well. In Canada and across the globe, domestic violence has an unexpected, devastating aftereffect for the women and children who manage to escape it: homelessness.<\/p>\n

As you might imagine, fleeing an unsafe environment only to wind up in an even less safe environment can take an astronomical physical and psychological toll on an individual. It can be even worse if that individual flees with her children. Domestic violence<\/a> is a key reason behind the increase in Canadian family and child homelessness. Here, we\u2019ll take a look at some of the tough statistics that illustrate the link between these two tragedies.<\/p>\n

Domestic Violence in Canada is not Only Rising \u2013 It\u2019s Also Grossly Underreported<\/h4>\n

While statistics show a dramatic increase in domestic violence<\/a> (particularly against women and young girls) in Canada, experts assure the numbers are likely much higher than what we see on our screens. In fact, some say approximately 70% of intimate partner violence crimes go unreported. This is a pretty terrifying statistic when you consider approximately 50% of Canada\u2019s women<\/a>\u00a0admit to having endured at least one act of domestic violence since reaching puberty. The mere thought of a vast female population walking around with the shadow of domestic violence following everywhere they go should be enough to rattle the media. Yet silence persists not just in the hearts of the victims, but often in the words of mass media publications as well.<\/p>\n

There are numerous reasons domestic violence victims choose not to flee or even report. Some of the top concerns include:<\/p>\n