{"id":17619,"date":"2021-11-22T09:00:10","date_gmt":"2021-11-22T14:00:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wordpress-537697-2997182.cloudwaysapps.com\/?p=17619"},"modified":"2022-10-09T06:02:32","modified_gmt":"2022-10-09T10:02:32","slug":"warning-signs-of-homelessness-and-how-to-offer-help","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wordpress-537697-2997182.cloudwaysapps.com\/warning-signs-of-homelessness-and-how-to-offer-help\/","title":{"rendered":"Warning Signs of Homelessness and How to Offer Help"},"content":{"rendered":"

Although we know homelessness\u00a0<\/span>can happen to anyone<\/span><\/a>, it\u2019s easy to assume it\u2019s always happening to someone else, somewhere else. It\u2019s a sad, painful reality we try to distance ourselves from, if only mentally. But if we face enough hardship and bad luck, it\u2019s important to keep this in mind: it can happen to ourselves and our loved ones.<\/span><\/p>\n

The kind of poverty that leads to homelessness doesn\u2019t typically happen all at once. There\u2019s usually a process. Even if all it seems to take is one big event, that person was probably already at risk for homelessness somehow. This means there are warning signs for homelessness. It also means that if we pay close attention, we might be able to help.<\/span><\/p>\n

The tricky part is, many people don\u2019t want others to know they\u2019re homeless or at-risk. Shame and embarrassment often prevent people from telling others they\u2019re struggling and asking for help. Even though homelessness is so common, and many of us are closer to it than we realize, that urge to distance ourselves\u2014and let others be distanced from us when we\u2019re struggling\u2014can get in the way of us coming together.<\/span><\/p>\n

For this reason, it\u2019s crucial to be able to recognize the warning signs of homelessness. Stigma and shame will probably try to get in the way of you being there for your loved ones, so you need to be ahead of it. You also need to know how to respond. Talking about homelessness shouldn\u2019t be as hard as it is. However, helping a loved one who is facing it, and having those conversations even when it\u2019s hard, goes a long way toward normalizing it.<\/span><\/p>\n

What Are the Warning Signs of Homelessness?<\/h3>\n

People who are at-risk for becoming homeless, or already are, may have any of the following behaviors, habits, or characteristics.<\/span><\/p>\n

Poor Hygiene<\/h4>\n

People who are homeless may go several days without showering because they simply don\u2019t have access to a shower. Their hair may be dirty, or they may wear the same clothes several days in a row. Men may be unshaven. Other grooming habits may not be a high priority, like getting haircuts.<\/span><\/p>\n

Stress-induced Behaviors<\/h4>\n

Homelessness is a highly stressful situation. People facing it behave differently than those with a secure roof over their heads. Examples of stress-induced behaviors include:<\/span><\/p>\n