{"id":21018,"date":"2023-05-05T09:00:39","date_gmt":"2023-05-05T13:00:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wordpress-537697-2997182.cloudwaysapps.com\/?p=21018"},"modified":"2023-10-02T13:45:47","modified_gmt":"2023-10-02T17:45:47","slug":"why-homeless-veterans-are-more-likely-to-be-unsheltered","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wordpress-537697-2997182.cloudwaysapps.com\/why-homeless-veterans-are-more-likely-to-be-unsheltered\/","title":{"rendered":"Why Homeless Veterans are More Likely to be Unsheltered"},"content":{"rendered":"

Did you know there is more than one type of homelessness? Many people are completely unaware of this fact.<\/span><\/p>\n

When you envision a homeless person, your mind might gravitate to a mental image of a person standing outside at an intersection with all their worldly possessions in tow. Perhaps they have a tent, a slab of cardboard, or a bag to lay their heads upon. They may or may not ask for change.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

This kind of homelessness is known as\u00a0<\/span>unsheltered homelessness<\/span><\/a>. It is homelessness in one of its most harrowing and visible forms.<\/span><\/p>\n

There are other types of homelessness, such as\u00a0<\/span>vehicular homelessness<\/span><\/a>, when a houseless person or family resides in a van, camper, or car. Notedly, people engaged in vehicular homelessness are still technically defined as unsheltered.<\/span><\/p>\n

Sheltered homelessness, on the other hand, can take on many forms. People who live in a homeless shelter, motel, or hotel are still considered homeless even though they are technically sheltered. The same is true for people who are sofa surfing or doubled-up in a crowded, multi-generational living space.<\/span><\/p>\n

Herein lies the distinction. A sheltered homeless person or family is in a place fit for human habitation. However, it has one or more of the following attributes:<\/span><\/p>\n